Forum Discussion

Jacky_C's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Header and Cell formatting missing top/bottom line when using "show report" function

Hello, I am seeking for assistance on header and cell format with conditional formatting. I am trying to add a top and bottom line to specific accounts in the "Show Report" function. 

Header Format used


However, in the report, only the bold formatting is applied while the top and bottom line do not appear. 

Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  • HI - Sorry I just noticed I didn't use the same formatting and then the color isn't necessary. 

    If (HeaderDisplayText = 'Account 3') Then Bold = True, ReportUseTopBorder = True, ReportUseBottomBorder = True
    End If

    I used ReportUseTopBorder and ReportUseBottomBorder

  • matt515's avatar
    New Contributor III

    HI - Sorry I just noticed I didn't use the same formatting and then the color isn't necessary. 

    If (HeaderDisplayText = 'Account 3') Then Bold = True, ReportUseTopBorder = True, ReportUseBottomBorder = True
    End If

    I used ReportUseTopBorder and ReportUseBottomBorder

    • Jacky_C's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thanks, it also works as expected on my side.

      Thank you so much for your help.


  • matt515's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi - What happens when you add this formatting ReportTopLine1Color = Black. I wasn't getting a top line to show either replicating your logic above and then I changed it from Default to Black and now see a line.

    • Jacky_C's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Matt, thanks for your reply. I tried your solution at my end, but it does not work as expected. If possible, can you share a screenshot of how it is look like at your side? Thanks.

      I tested your solution with the following two versions of code; however, I am not able to see top/bottom lines in the report.

      Output Report
