How can I change the WFProfile and refresh my dashboard at the same time?
- 2 years ago
Display Components linked to Parameters are evaluated at display time, so you need a dashboard refresh to get things like Labels to update once you change their value. Seems to work here in v.7.4.2. Configuration:
Button to trigger refresh and page change:
Combo to choose the parameter value:
Now, after I select a value from the drop down, clicking the button refreshes the dashboard (so the label displays the new value) and sends me to the new Workflow.
I also tested it without the button, by placing the actions directly on the combobox, and it works in the same way.
Edit: I noticed that things don't work properly if there is anything slightly incorrect - for example, i had my action set to "Change POV" instead of "Change Workflow" but with the Workflow syntax in arguments, and this broke any other action on that component.