Forum Discussion

NicoleBruno's avatar
Valued Contributor
2 months ago

How can I wrap V#Annotation text in a column?

Hi all!

How can I wrap V#Annotation text in a column? Right now the reporting is not the most user friendly so we're wondering how to show it better. It looks like there were some suggestions from three years (Maximum characters for Annotation | OneStream Community) ago but wondering if we've made any progress on this issue since then :) 

Thank you! 

  • NicoleBruno's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi all - per OS support: 

    we have an existing enhancement request logged for the ability to wrap Cube View data cells via formatting settings, reference # PF-23489. I linked your case to this.

    I don't have any further update on this one, but it is in the development team's queue.

  • T_Kress's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Are you talking about wrapping text that appears in a column of a cube view?   If so, this is now available in cube view header formats:


    • NicoleBruno's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Hi T_Kress

      Kind of but not really. I am talking about a CV but more specifically around commentary, aka V#Annotation, in the cells of the CV, not in the header. In our testing, the column width just gets huge and covers the whole screen depending on how much folks write so our only option is to limit the column width. But when we do that, there's no way to see the entire writing without clicking in the cell and using the arrow keys to get to the end (no copy/paste option to move it into excel either). It's pretty unusable so I'm hoping someone has a magical solution :) 


      • T_Kress's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Okay, there is a cell wrap text TRUE setting for Excel section in cube views but I am not seeing the same in the General formatting for cells, which impact the cube view rendering in Explorer.  Yes, hopefully someone has a creative solution!

  • MatthieuR's avatar
    New Contributor III


    Adding to this conversation, we have the same problem/requirement at our state client which need to enter a lot of comment and detailed justification at program or project level and currently this text does not wrap in the column of the CV itself, only the header which is a shame. Support told us that this was a know issue and already being logged as PF-23489 and no date on when it will be fix. But it is really a drawback for the heavy use of long text they want to do with OneStream. So would be good if this bug fix would make it in next release of OneStream. Thanks