Forum Discussion

Nitishkrish16's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

How can we make the calculation dynamic upon selecting the months in a parameter?

Dear Community, 
We have a requirement to calculate the sums of two rows total for every month we run. We have a time parameter that is helping us to select the desired month. We used GetDataCell formula to calculate it for the particular month.
for an instance if Jan period is selected - GetDataCell((Divide((CVR(Row1) + CVR(Row2)), (1)))*12):Name(Total)  will be the formula to calculate the sum total for Jan. 
If Feb period is selected in the parameter - GetDataCell((Divide((CVR(Row1) + CVR(Row2)), (2)))*12):Name(Total) this should be the formula. The bolded part should be dynamic upon selecting the months selected in the parameter. If it's June the bolded value should be 6, If it's July it will be 7, and it goes on. 

When we are switching the periods, we notice the totals are not matching and the values remain constant. We have a requirement to make the totals dynamic when selecting the periods in the parameter. 

How can we achieve this? Are we need to write a UD8 formula and encode that UD8 member name in the cube view? Or do we have any other solution to solve this issue? 
Any solution to this will be really helpful. 
Also, on another note is there any way we can get the value of a parameter in a UD8 member calculation formula? 

  • Hi Nitish,

    For this situation, you can employ an XFBR rule to retrieve the Getdatacell formula. It should be based on the parameter in the member filter. Reader that parameter in XFBR rule and return you GetDataCell Formula. This way, you can get the desired result using the XFBR rule.


2 Replies

  • Hi Nitish,

    For this situation, you can employ an XFBR rule to retrieve the Getdatacell formula. It should be based on the parameter in the member filter. Reader that parameter in XFBR rule and return you GetDataCell Formula. This way, you can get the desired result using the XFBR rule.