Forum Discussion

Mustafa_A's avatar
Contributor II
3 years ago

How to call CV Extender BR in Cube view?

Happy Monday Y'all,

How do I call a cube view extender BR in a cube view. I'm using it to increase the report sub-header font. I'm using a code that was described in OneStream XF manual. 


Here is the code:

Select Case args.FunctionType
Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.FormatReportUIItem
	Dim uiItem As CVExtenderReportUIItem = args.Report.CurrentUIItem
	If uiItem.UIItemType = XFReportUIItemType.PageHeaderLabelCenter1 Then
		uiItem.FontSize = 14
		uiItem.Bold = True
	End If
End Select

Thank you,

Mustafa A

  • Mustafa_A's avatar
    Contributor II

    I figured it out. No response needed anymore. For those who are curious --- 


    The OneStream Academy/Business Rule/CV Extender: Here, walks through the setup/execution in a simple way. I'm surprised there are so many functions to make your CV dynamic and customized.  



    Mustafa A