Forum Discussion

MC111's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

How to move cube views between groups?

Is there an easier way to move a cube view from one Cube View Group to another? 

I am currently trying to reorganize dozens of cube views into different Cube View Groups, but they are linked to other cube views via row/column sharing. Because of this, I have to touch not only the cubes I'm moving, but those that it is linked to: copying to new group, renaming associated row/column sharing link in other cubes, deleting original, renaming new. 

Thank you!

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    This is why we recommend, as best practice, to keep CubeViews in separate "Template" Groups when featuring columns or rows that will be reused . This way, you know where that type of view always lives, and you never need to move any of them.

    As for suggestions on how to deal with the problem now - if you're handy with XML (and maybe some programming), you can export all CVs to a file, edit it, and then load it back in.