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VO's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How to pull levels in quickviews

Hi guys!

I would like some guidance on how to pull all children at the same level in a Quickview.

Thank you. 

Oliveira, Vanessa

  • Not 100% sure, but I'd say it's not possible in OneStream. Typically to fulfill such requirement you need to use (and earlier populate) Text properties in a given dimension and then in QV make a use of 'Where' clause building your member filter.

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Vanessa: there is not out-of-the-box level selection that I am aware of.  Probably a good candidate for a feature request so there is a regular member expansion function for providing this.  You should add this to IdeaStream.

    That said, the beauty of OneStream is that it is highly customizable and with a bit of tinkering we can just write this ourselves.  The below is working proof-of-concept.

    This is a Finance Business Rule, FinanceFunctionType of MemberList.  Usage example is listed at the top in the code comments.  It should work across any dimension and can also be used with member expansions ahead of the custom member list call. 

    Case Is = FinanceFunctionType.MemberList																
    	If args.MemberListArgs.MemberListName = "Level" Then															
    		'Purpose: provides a function for returning member lists based on a "level" beneath the selected member														
    		'Usage: any Cube View or Quick View where an arbitrary level of the dimension is desired														
    		'Usage Example: A#IncomeStatement.CustomMemberList(BRName=YourFinanceBusinessRuleName, MemberListName=Level, Level=[2])														
    		'Get the level requested and initial member selected														
    		Dim level As Integer = Integer.Parse(args.MemberListArgs.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("Level"))														
    		Dim topMember As Member = args.MemberListArgs.TopMember														
    		'Member components needed for the return														
    		Dim objMemberListHeader As New MemberListHeader(args.MemberListArgs.MemberListName)														
    		Dim objMembers As New List(Of Member)														
    		'Check to ensure we received input														
    		If (Not objMembers Is Nothing) Then														
    			'If the level = 0 then just return the current member													
    			If level = 0 Then													
    				Return New MemberList(objMemberListHeader, objMembers)												
    			Else ' recursively loop until we hit final depth, checking for no data along the way													
    				For nLevel = 1 To level												
    					If (Not objMembers Is Nothing) Then 'check that we are not empty											
    						Dim objMembersTemp As New List(Of Member)(objMembers) 'needed so we don't cause a recursive loop										
    						For Each lMember As Member In objMembersTemp										
    							objMembers.Remove(lMember) 'remove the old so don't create recursion									
    							objMembers.AddRange(api.Members.GetChildren(args.MemberListArgs.DimPk,lMember.MemberId)) 'add the children									
    						Next 'lMember										
    					Else 'we went so far down there are no children, so return nothing											
    						Return Nothing										
    					End If											
    				Next 'nLevel												
    				'We are done looping through the members, so return the final list												
    				Return New MemberList(objMemberListHeader, objMembers)												
    			End If													
    		End If														
    		'Else something was bad with the user input so return nothing														
    		Return Nothing														
    	End If															

     Let me know if this provides the expected behaviour. Cheers     -db

    • camilodachiardi's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi db_pdx. Thanks a lot! 
      that helps, but it’s the other way around. 
      What we need is in the column highlighted as green, but what we’re getting are the values in color red. Can you please help us on doing this? Thanks a lot!

  • kwojsz's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Not 100% sure, but I'd say it's not possible in OneStream. Typically to fulfill such requirement you need to use (and earlier populate) Text properties in a given dimension and then in QV make a use of 'Where' clause building your member filter.