Forum Discussion

Jmorgan's avatar
New Contributor III
3 months ago

If Statement in Member Filter


I currently have a cube view that I am working on where the member filter uses UD1 (U1#|CVUd1|.Children) on the rows with a nested member expansion for Accounts (A#Headcount, A#Labor, A#Benefits,...) and the columns pull from two separate Scenarios (Actual & Budget).

For the Actual columns A#Headcount works, but I would need to pull A#BDG_Headcount in the Budget columns. I know that you can do row overrides for most cases but considering that this is all in one row technically you can't just override it to switch to A#BDG_Headcount. Maybe? I was thinking that there may be an If statement that I could put in the member filter but am unsure how to go about it. The basic logic would be:

IF S#Actual Then A#Headcount Else A#BDG_Headcount

I think I explained that well enough, and I am hoping there is an easy example to point to. I appreciate anyone's input!

Thank you,

Jeremy Morgan

  • You could create a DynamicCalc member that contains conditional test.

  • Jmorgan's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Is that really the only solution? I feel like there should be a method that you could do within the cube view.