Forum Discussion

CarlosAlvear's avatar
2 years ago

Insert suppressed row members - General case using a member list

Dear all,

I'd like to ask about a generalization for the "Insert suppressed Member" tool. In the link (Insert Suppressed Row Members - OneStream Community (, we can find a successful case but I can't implement it in a general case using member list. Also, at the beginning of the list, I added the parent member ("ICEntities" in this case).

The issue is that when there's no data, the whole line is suppressed so it's impossible to use the "Insert suppressed Member" option. Also I checked the options for the columns as recommended here (Solved: Cube view rows suppression - OneStream Community ( but the main line still doesn't appear.

Some pictures about the setup:

1. Calling the member list in the Member Filter:

2. Options for row suppression: 

3. Suppression options for each column:


Thank you


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    I can only tell you that, personally, I hate suppression and all that comes with it 😅 Generally speaking, the "Insert" feature works better in nested dimensions, basically because it's easier to get at least one row always visible.

    I've only tested 7.4.2 and to be honest I don't like what I see. Can you please get in touch with Support and work with them, there might well be gremlins in the machine.

    • CarlosAlvear's avatar

      Thank you Jack for your comment. In fact in this case, IC is the nested dimension and Account is the main one. Still the issue persist given that we're in developing stage so we don't have data everywhere.

      Thank you