Forum Discussion

OSAdmin's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

Is there a better/official way, to use the Name Value pairs suggested in the text, than using string operations to access a Value based on it's Name?

Originally posted by Christian Wetterwald


I like to use the Literal Parameter values in a project (no presales activity) to pass parameters to a business rule.
Looking at it from a business rule, the Dashboard object has an accessible property but it is just a string. Dashboards Literal Parameter setting.

  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Sam Richards

    There is a call in a BR to get a literal parameter as a string. How I have done it in the past is have a normal parameter set the literal via a dashboard extender and then pull the literal in the BR if you want to go that route. Also I have taken a literal parameter and launched the BR (custom Calc) via a button in which you can just pass the parameter from the dashboard to the DM job then into the BR.

    I created a universal dialog, that should be launched from different dashboard. Unfortunately all this dashboards are using different parameters for Entity. I have to embed the launching button (with other buttons) in an embedded component anyway so I thought it might be a god idea, to do the mapping using the literal parameters and it works great.