Issue in Web Content and File Viewer component to directly open a HTML file in a browser
Dear community,
I currently have an html document which is located in the file Explorer under "Documents/Public" folder.
I am trying to get this HTML document to be presented into the components, embedded in a dashboard. However, with either a Web Content component or a File Viewer component (which will pinpoint to this specific file in Application Database File, as soon as I open the dashboard, it will load the html page into my default browser...
I am using OS v8.1 ... is it a known bug or the expected behaviour ?
What is even more strange, directing the Full File Name to a URL will correctly open a document in a dashboard ...
Hi !
I got the message it was not considered as a "bug" ... There is a workaround though !
The workaround would be to use File Viewer component to refer to the .html page which should be on the server. For instance, I refer to "file://localhost/c:/pathtofolderyouwant/confirmation.html" in file viewer, and I chose a "URL" type, then it opens in the application as expected !