Forum Discussion

Guru_Prasad's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago

OneStream macro Refresh


I tried to refresh cube view using macro, the cubeview connection parameter is not refreshing based on macro buttion is there any code to refresh delimited list parameter pop up after clicking the macro buttion So i can change the combination in the parameter and run. currently i am using the below code.


 Set xfAddin = Application.COMAddIns("OneStreamExcelAddIn")
If Not xfAddin Is Nothing Then
If Not xfAddin.Object Is Nothing Then
Call xfAddin.Object.RefreshXFFunctions
Call xfAddin.Object.RefreshCubeViews
Call xfAddin.Object.RefreshXFFunctions
Call xfAddin.Object.RefreshQuickViews
'Call xfAddIn.Object.SubmitXFFuntions
'Call xfAddIn.Object.RefreshXFFunctionsForActiveWorksheet
End If
End If

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