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ID5036's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Parameters in Dashboard Maintenace Unit

How are parameters organized within a DMU? I refuse to believe they're placed in a random order once created. They're not sorted in alphabetical order or by Parameter Type—then how?

  • Hi ID5036 
    Just to remind you that for the display there is a Sort Order that can be used to order parameters on how they display. The idea is that it makes them easy to group them like below :

    Not sure if it is what you are refereeing too.
    Have a good day!


  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi ID5036 
    Just to remind you that for the display there is a Sort Order that can be used to order parameters on how they display. The idea is that it makes them easy to group them like below :

    Not sure if it is what you are refereeing too.
    Have a good day!


  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    For natural alphabetic sorting and grouping, create this Extensibility Rule and run it.  Viola! Params Sorted like you would expect:



    Imports System.Data
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.ParameterSorter
       'Reference Code:    Parameter Sorter [ParamSorter]
       'Description:       This class sorts Dashboard Parameters for a given Workspace and Maintenance Unit 
       '                   Sort is standard lexical (Lexigraphical, Dictionary) order
       '                   After running the rule refresh the application and workspace.
       'Note:              This will change sortorder setting on all parameters for the given Maintenance Unit
       '                   (most people want this)
       'Usage:             Update Workspace and Maintenance Unit strings then run from the BR Editor.
       'Created By:        Robb Salzmann
       'Date Created:      5-7-2023
       Public Class MainClass
           Public Function Main(si As SessionInfo, globals As BRGlobals, api As Object, args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
                Dim paramSort As New ParamSort()
                paramSort.SortParams(si, args)
               Catch ex As Exception
                   Throw New XFException($" {ex.Message}", ex)
               End Try                     
             Return Nothing
           End Function
       End Class
       ' Replace the string assignments for strWorkspace and strMaintUnit as appropriate
       Class ParamSort
          Public Sub SortParams(si As SessionInfo, args As ExtenderArgs) 
             'Workspace containing the Maintenance Unit below
             Dim strWorkspace As String = "Default"
             'Maintenance Unit where the Parameters will be sorted         
             Dim strMaintUnit As String = "My Maintenance Unit Name" 
             Dim results As DataTable = Nothing
             Dim strSql As String = Nothing
             Dim intSortOrder As Int32 = 10
                Dim wsGuid As Guid = BRApi.Dashboards.Workspaces.GetWorkspaceIDFromName(si, False, strWorkspace)
                Dim muGuid As Guid = BRApi.Dashboards.MaintUnits.GetMaintUnit(si, False, wsGuid, strMaintUnit).UniqueID
                strSql = $"SELECT as name
                         FROM DashboardMaintUnit dmu, DashboardParameter dp
                         WHERE dmu.UniqueID = '{muGuid}'
                         And dp.MaintUnitID = dmu.UniqueID
                         ORDER BY"
                Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
                   results = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConn, strSQL, True)
                   For Each row As DataRow In results.Rows
                      strSql = $"Update DashboardParameter set SortOrder={intSortOrder} where name='{row("name")}'"
                      BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConn, strSql, True)
                      intSortOrder += 10
                End Using
                Catch ex As Exception
                  Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.GetType().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex)
               End Try         
          End Sub
       End Class
    End Namespace







  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    From the docs*:


    When a parameter is created an API call is made to the weather beareau to identify the wind speed (km/h) at the location of the hosted environment. This wind speed is multplied by the amount of cats in your street divided by the amount of minutes you have spent searching the list for parameters in your OneStream career. The result is then used as a seed for a random number generator to determine the sort order of the newly created parameter.


    Sorry looks like it is random after all!

    If anyone does want to sort them alphabetically with a BR, check out Robb's post for some code to tidy it up: . Of course the above logic will apply again when you insert a new param.

    *not from the docs