Prior/Current Month Dynamic Calculation
Good morning All,
How do I make build this dynamic calculation for my Monthly Rate KPI CV? It takes the new month and divides it by the previous trailing month (e.g. Jan-21/Dec-20, Feb-21/Jan-21....)
Here is the code I wrote:
Dim RentalRevenue As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#NetIncome:U4#[Rental Revenue]").CellAmount
Dim RentalRevenueTrailing1Mo As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#NetIncome:U4#[Rental Revenue].Prior1").CellAmount
Return RentalRevenue/RentalRevenueTrailing1Mo
Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you.
Mustafa A
No response needed. I figured it out.
Needed to add "POVPrior1Month" to gab the prior period. Here is the modified code
Dim RentalRevenue As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#NetIncome:U4#[Rental Revenue]:S#Actual").CellAmount
Dim RentalRevenueTrailing1Mo As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("A#NetIncome:U4#[Rental Revenue]:S#Actual:T#POVPrior1").CellAmountReturn RentalRevenue/RentalRevenueTrailing1Mo - 1