Forum Discussion

liezelfrancisco's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

Quarterly / yearly values only show the amount of the last month/quarter

Hi everyone,

Good day. We are new to OneStream, and we are building a cube view wherein it outputs quarterly columns for a certain year. However, it only outputs the last period/month for the quarter. For example, under the Q1 Appliances, it shows 305,221,004. But, if I drill down on quarter 1, I can see that the amount per month when totaled, it is equivalent to 607,036,638.

This also applies to the 2024 column, it only shows the Q4 value and not the sum of all quarters. I already tried to consolidate and calculate, but it is still the same. 

Thank you for those who will share their inputs. 


  • Sabaritha's avatar
    2 months ago


    Please include view dimension in your member filter and remove it from the POV pane as your report uses two different view members. For the first four columns, include V#QTD to get the quarterly data (sum of Jan + Feb + mar = Q1) and for the fourth column add V#YTD to get the YTD data (JAN to DEC). You can add the view member to the columns either Level1 or Level2. Hope this resolves your issue.

    Thank you.


  • Sabaritha's avatar
    New Contributor II


    In order to get each month's value, you can try Q1.Base, Q2.Base, Q3.Base and Q4.Base. In order to get the sum of all quarters, you have use V#YTD for the year - T#Year, V#YTD.

    V#QTD will only give sum of quarter specified. Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I tried to use the Q1.Member, etc. because the base member in our time dimension pertains to weeks. I also used YTD. It doesn't output the sum for each quarter (it outputs the value of the last month for each quarter). And for the year, it just output the value of Q4 and not the sum of all quarters for that year


    • Sabaritha's avatar
      New Contributor II


      Please include view dimension in your member filter and remove it from the POV pane as your report uses two different view members. For the first four columns, include V#QTD to get the quarterly data (sum of Jan + Feb + mar = Q1) and for the fourth column add V#YTD to get the YTD data (JAN to DEC). You can add the view member to the columns either Level1 or Level2. Hope this resolves your issue.

      Thank you.


      • liezelfrancisco's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thank you Sabaritha, this worked. I added it in the member filter, now I get the concept. Thank you so much

  • T_Kress's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Instead of C#Top try C#Local.  It may be elimination related.