Forum Discussion

Pradnya's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Quick View - Annotations/Audit Comments/Variance Explanations

Would like to check if Quick View in excel can extract/pull - Annotations/Audit Comments/Variance Explanations from "View" dimension.

Please assist. Thank you.

  • Pradnya,

    A couple of questions:

     - Are you sure that you have data for the intersection that you are looking at?

     - Have you managed to view this data in a Cube View?

    It might be helpful for you to change the row suppression settings on your cube view:


  • Pradnya's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Mark,

    The row suppression settings on quick view worked.. ğŸ˜€

    Thank you very much..!

  • MarkBird's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Pradnya

    Just select the relevant view member:

    Are you having any issues pulling this information into your Quick View? If so, send some screenshots.




    • Pradnya's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Yes, we did select the relevant view member "Variance Explanation"

      We pull the numbers but not variance explanation.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Just switching to the right view should work; if it doesn't, there might be a regression and you might want to talk to Support about it.

    • Pradnya's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Can you please elaborate when you say "Just switching to the right view should work"?
      In View dimension we have "Variance Explanation", where user report/input variance explanation as text.

      • MarkBird's avatar
        Contributor III

        Hi Pradnya

        Can you try moving the View filter to the columns then add both 'YTD' and 'VarianceExplanation'.

        Send us a screenshot so that we can see the output.

