recovering journal name on CV
Dear all,
Is there a way to show for instance journal data and also identify which are the names of the journals involved in a given intersection? For instance if there are 3 journals going to the same intersection, recover in a CV 3 lines, describing the detail for each journal name?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi, the easiest is to have a grid that displays the details you need upon the click of a cell in a cube view in my opinion. For this, take a look at the first answer in this post:
Instead of displaying details from Stage, you just display journals details instead. For that you can use a Data Adapter with the JournalForWorkflowUnit method query.
In the Method Query field you need to enter the corresponding query. If you run the data adapter with a blank field as in the screenshot, the system will return an error message that includes an example, such as:
{MyWorkflowProfileName}{Actual}{2015M1}{All}{Empty String or Filter Expression}.
And then you use the bound parameters to filter the returned table so that only journal line items that have been posted to the selected cube view cell get displayed in the data grid.