Forum Discussion

BamaGirl's avatar
New Contributor II
5 months ago

Report components: Can parameters be passed by clicking on a value in a report

Are report components (report designer) drillable when using vStageSourceandTargetDataWithAttributes? I want to be able to click on a value in a report component and it provide detail specific to that value. I know this can be done with cube views and other things where bound parameters are passed. Can I do the same for report components? If so, how? I can easily get the detail but I want it to be specific to a value in the report.

  • KarlT's avatar
    Contributor III


    In short, yes it is possible!

    When creating a cube view you can use these settings in the Row data tab to activate navigation links in the Report:

    If you then used this cube view in a Report Component, clicking on the header of this row would trigger that dashboard, passing all bound navigation parameters from the cube view for that row. So you could create a dashboard that shows your stage detail for a given account, for example.

    What this does in the report component is assign a "tag" to the label (under Data Bindings):

    The tag is in this general format (you can see this if you run the cube view data adapter):

    ParameterName1 = RowValue, ParameterName2 = RowValue,  LinkedNavigationItem = DashboardName, XFNavigationLink = DashboardDialog

    Therefore you can apply these tags to any report component if you generate them on a row by row basis in your data source.

    See here an example where i am generating that Tag as part of a SQL query (it's a bad example, but for illustration purposes):

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    ,'SelectedEntity = ' + [EtT] + ', SelectedWsk = ' + [SnT] + ', LinkedNavigationItem = StageDetail, XFNavigationLink = DashboardDialog' As Navlink	
      FROM [AppName].[dbo].[vStageSourceAndTargetData]
      Where Wtk = '2018012000'
      Group By Wfk, Wsk, Wtk, EtT, EtR, SnT

    This field is then assigned to the Tag data binding so when i click that label in the report it launches the "stageDetail" dashboard, and passes my two parameters through.

    Remember to use supplied parameter components on your pop up dashboard to avoid prompts to confirm the parameter value. Also note that the click through wont work in the Preview within Report Designer - you need to assign your report component to a dashboard and launch that to test it.

    I hope that is of some help



  • BamaGirl's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Thank you Karl. I have a few other factors to work in there. We have text fields tied to the ORGS which I can easily get but the ORG is broken down into two dimensions. Several other factors to work out. I'll try this though and reply as to whether or not it worked. Thanks...