Forum Discussion

pling's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Retrieve Parent property


Hi All,

I am trying to find a way to create a report that shows the Entity and the Parent in a column next to it. I tried to do this by using the functions =XFGetMemberProperty() and =XFGetRelationshipProperty(), both returns an error when I try.

=XFGetRelationshipProperty(“Entity”,"",B15,“Parent”,"","") returns “#ERROR: Parent”
=XFGetRelationshipProperty(“Entity”,B16,"",“Parent”,"","") returns “#ERROR: Member Name”
=XFGetRelationshipProperty(“Entity”,B17,"",“Parent”,“ACTUAL”,“2021M1”) returns “#ERROR: Member Name”
=XFGetRelationshipProperty(“Entity”,B4,B5,“Parent”,"","") returns “#ERROR: Parent”

=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B13,“Parent”,“Finance”,“Actual”,“2021M1”) returns “#ERROR: Finance”
=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B14,“Parent”,"",“Actual”,“2021M1”) returns “#ERROR: Parent”
=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B14,“Parent”,"",“Actual”,“2021M1”) returns “#ERROR: Parent”
=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B11,“Parent”,"","",“2021M1”) returns “#ERROR: Parent”
=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B12,“Parent”,"","","") returns “#ERROR: Parent”

as a reference, I tried the same function on “currency” and that works.
=XFGetMemberProperty(“Entity”,B21,“Currency”,"","","") returns “EUR”

I am assuming that the complexity lies in the fact that the parent could vary in time (?) .

I hope some body can help on this thanks.


  • Hi Philip,
    If you have the parent then it should be possible to retrieve a property.
    This is a Text1 property of a member in Golfstream:

    The Actual and 2019M1 can be “” and “”, if there is a default.


    As you can see from this example, the property name drives which property is retrieved:

    The response can be True/False.
    The get relationship property returns relationship information such as e.g. Parent Sort Order:

    It is possible to build member list business rules based on information about parent-child, ancestors and descendants, if the members cannot be derived with the built in member filter functions.

    • pling's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Dominic,

      thanks for the reply. Actually I am trying to create a similar overview as in your last screenshot. Namely:
      Column A Parent Entity
      Column B Child Entity

      How could I generate a list like that in Onestream? My approach in the post was through a combination of quickview and the function xfgetmember/relationshipproperty, but not sure whether this is the right direction.

    • Dominic_A's avatar

      Hi Philip,
      For that List I just used the grid view on the dimension editor (similar to a cube view member filter)

       Generally I look top-down in the member list rules, as I only needed the parents or the children.
      However, I tend to use the Metadata Editor from the marketplace to define the Parent-Child relationships in new apps. XML extracts of the Metadata for a given dimension allow an extract including relationships, this will not update automatically if transferred to Excel.
      Using “.TreeDescendantsInclusive” shows a hierarchy that is not side by side.
      Having a member chosen by a combobox (with parameter) could be an option in a dashboard including ‘Spreadsheet’ with an embedded cube view, there are ways of setting the member chosen into the Spreadsheet report.
      In that case the Cube View, embedded in Spreadsheet, could have e.g. X#|!P_MyMemberParam!|.[detail] such as .Parents, .Ancestors and .descendants

      If the member filter builder does not have enough logic then resort to a member list in business rules. I would recommend loading the snippet editor from the OneStream Marketplace:

      • NicoleBruno's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Hi Philip,
        If you have the parent set in a text field, you can pull it through in a UD (UD8 for example) so you can show it as a separate column in a CV. We’ve done it for something else entirely, but here’s how we set it up:

        1. Set up the master data with the text field showing as you’d like it to be reported.
        2. Set up a UD8 (ours is called Scope) as a dynamic calc with the following calc in order to pull the text field in as text (we’re using UD1 and text2):

        'This dynamic reporting member will show the Text2 property of each UD1 as an Annotation
        If api.View.IsAnnotationType()
        'Return the UD1’s Text2 setting for this text-based View member
        Return api.UD1.Text(api.Pov.UD1.MemberId,2)
        'Return a NoData Datacell.
        Return api.Data.CreateDataCellObject(0.0, True, False)
        End If

        1. Set up the CV column to pull in the details. Ours looks like this based on how we want to see all the data in the CV:

        That’s a bit different than what you’ve been targeting above but simple and useful for us. Maybe not the best solution if you’re expecting the text field to change often and it can easily be pulled via a different formula. Good luck!

  • MichaelSBrokaw's avatar
    New Contributor III


    In our instance, we built a DynamicCalc formula in UD8 dimension to get the parent of a UD4 member.

    This could be modified to get an Entity’s parent based on its relationship properties such as Parent Sort Order, Text1 to Text 8.

    ' Derive Industry for selected Entity. 
    If      api.View.IsAnnotationType(api.Pov.View.MemberId) _ 
        And api.Members.IsBase(api.Pov.EntityDim.DimPk, _ 
                               api.Members.GetMemberId(api.Pov.Entity.DimTypeId, _ 
                                                       "PLConsMgmt"), _ 
                               api.Pov.Entity.MemberId) _ 
        Dim Result As String = String.Empty 
        ' Customer set as Entity Text4 property by Scenario/Time. 
        Dim Customer As String = api.Entity.Text(api.Pov.Entity.MemberId, _ 
                                                 4, _ 
                                                 api.Pov.Scenario.MemberId, _ 
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer) Then 
            ' Customer is member of Customers UD4 dimension. 
            Dim CustomerId As Integer = api.Members.GetMemberId(DimType.UD4.Id, _ 
            If Not CustomerId = -1 Then 
                ' Get Customer's Parent. 
                Dim oParents As List(Of Member) = api.Members.GetParents(api.Pov.UD4Dim.DimPk, _ 
                                                                         CustomerId, _ 
                If oParents.Count > 0 Then 
                    For i As Integer = 0 To oParents.Count - 1 
                        ' Industry is child of UD4 Customers and parent of Customer. 
                        If api.Members.IsChild(api.Pov.UD4Dim.DimPk, _ 
                                               api.Members.GetMemberId(api.Pov.UD4.DimTypeId, _ 
                                                                       "Customers"), _ 
                                               api.Members.GetMemberId(api.Pov.UD4.DimTypeId, _ 
                                                                       oParents.Item(i).Name)) _ 
                            Result = oParents.Item(i).Name 
                            Exit For 
                            If api.Members.IsBase(api.Pov.UD4Dim.DimPk, _ 
                                                  api.Members.GetMemberId(api.Pov.UD4.DimTypeId, _ 
                                                                          "Customers"), _ 
                                                  CustomerId) _ 
                                ' Customer not assigned to an industry. 
                                Result = "NoIndustry" 
                                ' UD4 member is not a customer. 
                                Return Nothing 
                            End If 
                        End If 
                    ' Member has no parents. 
                    Result = "#ERROR: Orphaned Customer" 
                End If 
                ' Entity Text4 property does not identify a valid customer. 
                Result = "#ERROR: Invalid Customer" 
            End If 
            ' Entity Text4 property is blank. Not assigned to a customer. 
            Result = "NoIndustry" 
        End If 
        ' Return result setting cell status as NoData for suppression. 
        Dim oDataCellEx As DataCellEx = New DataCellEx() 
        oDataCellEx.DataCell.CellStatus = New DataCellStatus(False) 
        oDataCellEx.DataCellAnnotation = Result 
        Return oDataCellEx 
    End If 
    Return Nothing

    In a quick view, we are able to list entities with its assigned industry.


    • Sai_Maganti's avatar
      Contributor II

      We use a Dashboard Data Set BR to extract base entities and immediate parent. Check out if this is of any help.

      Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.DashboardDataSet.Entity_Parent_List
      	Public Class MainClass
      		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As DashboardDataSetArgs) As Object
      				Select Case args.FunctionType
      					Case Is = DashboardDataSetFunctionType.GetDataSetNames
      						Dim names As New List(Of String)()
      						Return names
      					Case Is = DashboardDataSetFunctionType.GetDataSet
      						If args.DataSetName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("CustomData") Then
      						'Build a lookup of members and descriptions using a member script
      							Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
      								Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
      									'Get the Members using member script
      									Dim ms As String = "E#[Your Entity Top].Base" 'replace with your top entity for base list
      									Dim objDim As OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim = DimsWcf.GetDimUsingName(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, "Entities")
      									Dim members As List(Of MemberInfo) = MetadataWcf.GetMembersUsingFilter(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, Nothing, si.WorkflowClusterPk, si.PovDataCellPk, objDim.DimPk, ms, 0, Nothing, Nothing, True, False, True)							
      									'Build a dictionary of members and descriptions
      									Dim dt As New DataTable()
      									dt.Columns.Add("Entity", GetType(String))
      								    dt.Columns.Add("Parent", GetType(String))
      									Dim ent As String = String.Empty
      									Dim parent As String = String.Empty
      									For Each memInfo As MemberInfo In members
      										ent = memInfo.Member.Name & "-" & memInfo.Member.Description
      										Dim objDimPk As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "Entities")
      										Dim parentList As List(Of Member) = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetParents(si, objDimPk, memInfo.Member.MemberId, False)
      										parent = parentList.Item(0).Name
      										dt.Rows.Add(ent, parent)
      									Return dt							
      								End Using
      							End Using						
      						End If
      				End Select
      				Return Nothing
      			Catch ex As Exception
      				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
      			End Try
      		End Function
      	End Class
      End Namespace