Forum Discussion

Irina's avatar
New Contributor III
4 months ago

Using of Text field on Entity dimension in Cube view

Dear all,

Could you please advise how to show Text field of Entity member in cube view instead of Entity Name. For example, I have:

Entity member with Name A, it has Text1 field Country 1,

Entity member with Name B, it has Text1 field Country 2

Entity member with Name C, it has Text1 field Country 2

I would like to show in cube view in rows figures on Country 1 and Country 2 (so I need to aggregate figures of Entity B and C in this row). Could you please advise is it possible? If it isn't possible to aggregate figures, could you please advise if I can simply show three rows Country 1, Country 2, Country 2 in cube view instead of Names.

  • Irina - that sounds right.  A few more things to consider:

    1. Attribute members are resolved as in-memory, the greater number of attribute members in a given application, the greater impact on performance even though there is no technical limit.  Some have mentioned this theoretical limit of 500 but it also depends on the data model and query.

    2. Attributes off Entity DIM will result in this being stored.  To reflect changes, it may require a Process Cube Action (Consolidate, Force Consolidate) to reflect


  • Irina's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Dear MarcusH,

    Thank you! I don't see Attribute Members in Entity dimension. Could you please advise if there is any solution for Entity dimension members?


    • Irina's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Dear MarcusH,

      I looked more deeply in description of solution. Could you please advise am I right that solution with using of Attribute Members is applicable for Entity dimension too? I need to create list of countries as members in UD Dimension and linked these members to Entity dimension according to your link guide?


      • TGG_Alex's avatar

        Irina - that sounds right.  A few more things to consider:

        1. Attribute members are resolved as in-memory, the greater number of attribute members in a given application, the greater impact on performance even though there is no technical limit.  Some have mentioned this theoretical limit of 500 but it also depends on the data model and query.

        2. Attributes off Entity DIM will result in this being stored.  To reflect changes, it may require a Process Cube Action (Consolidate, Force Consolidate) to reflect