5 years agoValued Contributor
WF Time in cube view
Originally posted by Dean Harper
Hi all,
Hopefully a simple one - is there a way to dynamically select the prior year comparable for a Cube view based upon the workflow.
Column 1 = T#WF
Column 2 = T#(WF-12 Periods) or T#(WFPRIORYEAR) if you see what I mean?
The WF "snippets" in the Member filter Builder, Time functions does not seem to cover this.
Thanks in advance,
Am I missing something easy with how to refer to the Workflow prior "year end" regardless of what month is current? eg. (2022M5 compared to 2021M12, 2022M6 compared to 2021M12, etc). Updated: solved my problem with T#YearPrior1(|WFYear|)M12