Forum Discussion

kmd's avatar
Contributor II
2 years ago

Where Clause usage for Member Filter in Cube View

Hi all, I am trying to find a way to set up a member filter where the member's text 1 field contains the name of an entity. My CV row setup is as follows: E#MyParent.base      U1#MyU1Parent.base....
  • miked's avatar
    2 years ago

    I believe the issue is that the Entity Member Expansion is in a seperate row in your cubeview than the UD1.  The UD1 in Member Expansion 2 doesn't understand what |MFEntity| is b/c the entity member filter isn't in that row.  This is a shortcoming with cubeviews I find..would be a good enhancement.  You probably need to do a BRString that will loop through entities and ud1's for you.

