Forum Discussion

Davy's avatar
3 years ago

Why is our UD8 Level1 formula called multiple times by cubeview- for over 25 mins?

Why is our UD8 Level1 formula called multiple times by cubeview- for over 25 mins? this member is the first column in our small report with other column being a month.

We needed to display Level1 member to Level8 (our .base member) of our accounts dimension in a cubeview.

It runs withing 1 min when there are only a few hundred rows of accounts to report.

However, when we tried to change that report to include base members of our product dimension, it is taking over 25 mins to run –for  just for one entity.  The problem seems to be in our UD8 formula called level1.

We logged the calls to UD8 member Level1. It seems to be looping through this level1 multiple times.

We may expect less than 1,000 rows for one entity and for one account, using suppress zero.

To limit the minutes it takes to run, we had to set “Max Unsuppressed Rows per page “ and Max Seconds to process” to 6 mins in our cubeview.

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    "We needed to display Level1 member to Level8 (our .base member) of our accounts dimension in a cubeview."

    Have you tried using standard Member Expansions?  A#YourAccount.Descendants / A#YourAccount.DescendantsInclusive / A#YourAccount.Tree. 

    "We logged the calls to UD8 member Level1. It seems to be looping through this level1 multiple times."  Can you post the member formula?