Forum Discussion

Montreux's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

XFMemberProperty Property NumberOfNoInputPeriodsPerWorkflowUnit


I want to use the XFMemberProperty in a cube view to call the number of no input periods in a scenario.  This isn't returning a number though or anything.  I get an error.

XFMemberProperty(DimType=Scenario, Member=|WFScenario|, Property=NumberOfNoInputPeriodsPerWorkflowUnit))

Has anyone had success with this?  I am not sure the property name to use here, what I have is a guess; variants of this didn't work either.

Perhaps there is an easier way to get the last no input month into the time filter?  I want two columns, on would be the actuals YTD and include the T#YYYYM[number of no input periods], the second would use the same time filter but use the rest of periods in year time expansion.

  • I think I may have just found the member property for the no input period, as I have it referenced in a business rule - WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods

    Good luck ğŸ˜€

  • ajackett's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Montreux, 

    I stumbled across your post as I'm trying to do something similar - create a cube view for Forecast, where the YTD columns are the no input periods for Actuals, and the future months are inputs. 

    I was just testing around to try and bind the month to a scenario. I don't have an answer for the property for the No Input Period, but an alternative which I've just tested is using the Text1 field. In my example for my FCT 1+11, I have 1 no input period - so I have put "1" also in Text1. 

    This is the line I am using in the column member filter:

    T#|WFYear|MXFMemberProperty(DimType=Scenario, Member=|WFScenario|, Property=Text1).AllPriorInYearInclusive

    This shows columns for the YYYYM"Text1"

    Let me know how you go.

  • ajackett's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I think I may have just found the member property for the no input period, as I have it referenced in a business rule - WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods

    Good luck ğŸ˜€

  • Montreux's avatar
    New Contributor III

    That does it!  Good idea looking to the way the rule calls these properties.  I think I will use the Text1 idea you suggested though to better manage a January forecast with 0 no input periods.  |WFYear|M0 would cause the CV to not render.  For January's scenario I will add something different in Text1.  Thanks!