XFMemberProperty Property NumberOfNoInputPeriodsPerWorkflowUnit
I want to use the XFMemberProperty in a cube view to call the number of no input periods in a scenario. This isn't returning a number though or anything. I get an error.
XFMemberProperty(DimType=Scenario, Member=|WFScenario|, Property=NumberOfNoInputPeriodsPerWorkflowUnit))
Has anyone had success with this? I am not sure the property name to use here, what I have is a guess; variants of this didn't work either.
Perhaps there is an easier way to get the last no input month into the time filter? I want two columns, on would be the actuals YTD and include the T#YYYYM[number of no input periods], the second would use the same time filter but use the rest of periods in year time expansion.
I think I may have just found the member property for the no input period, as I have it referenced in a business rule - WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods
Good luck 😀