Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Connector rule - drill back IF statement

Hi, I am experiencing a strange behavior with a piece of code in the drill back of a connector rule. I have the following piece of code:   If StageTableFields.StageSourceData.DimUD1.XFEqualsIgno...
  • AndreaF's avatar
    2 years ago

    Thank you Daniel, I have used the below to check what was happening with the IF statement

    Throw New XFUserMsgException(si,sqlScript.ToString,"","")

    and I discovered that the StageTableFields.StageSourceData.DimUD1 command returns the string "UD1", while what I wanted was the source value (e.g. "Zero"), so the correct code is the following

    If sourceValues.Item(StageTableFields.StageSourceData.DimUD1).ToString.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Zero") Then
        whereClause.Append("And (Department IS NULL) ")
        whereClause.Append("And (Department = '" & SqlStringHelper.EscapeSqlString(sourceValues.Item(StageTableFields.StageSourceData.DimUD1).ToString) & "') ")
    End If

     It was only a coincidence that in my original code was returning rows with Null Department when excluding the Else condition.