Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
3 years ago

Create Table As Select

Hi, I need to build some tables in the application database. I am using a extensibility rule with a StringBuilder and the BRAPi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery command to do that. The "Create table" co...
  • AndreaF's avatar
    3 years ago

    After testing many suggestions I found that the following line of code does what I was looking for, i.e. it creates a table which is a copy of the old table, without copying any data from the old table (because of the Where 1 = 2 condition):

    sqlScript.AppendLine("Select * Into EBSRegister From XFW_PLP_Register Where 1 = 2")

  • Sai_Maganti's avatar
    3 years ago

    Yes you're on the right track though the new table won't have the indexes/constraints copied over.

    The "Create Table As Select (CTAS)" only works in Azure Synapse Analytics Platform System aka PDW. Also works in oracle but not in SQL Server.