culture settings in text to decimal casting
I would like ask about culture settings and how it influence casting from text value to decimal number.
We have an automated import from external system using delimited files and pre-stage table in application database. From the file the data is loaded as a string and from the string it is translated to the decimal value in connector. We use the query here (see that there is explicitlely specified a culture to be used for a casting):
, ledger_id
, currency
, pairing_code
, ICS_code
, Partner_description
, PARSE (local_ccy_amount as decimal(26,5) using 'en-US') as local_ccy_amount
, PARSE (transaction_ccy_amount as decimal(26,5) using 'en-US') as transaction_ccy_amount
from [dbo].[MyExternalTable]
where importGUID = '{import_GUID}'
and _tbValid = 'Y'
and coalesce(ICS_code, '') = ''
During the testing we found that culture settings for user have an influence on the results. How is that possible? I thought this is a job for a server side and there should be no effect of client application culture settings. How to avoid that?
[mod edit: removed personal info]
Thank you and best regards,