Forum Discussion

Russ's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Data Cell is read-only because Parent Workflow Profile has no active Input Profiles

Hi all,

I have an Import, Validate, Load workflow that hasn't been used for a while. I'm trying to load in data and I'm getting invalid intersections at the validation stage with the following error message:

"Data Cell is read-only because Parent Workflow Profile 'Workflow Name' has no active Input Profiles for the Workflow Channels that are assigned to the Data Cell's Account and/or UD member. Entity = Entity, Account=Volume, Origin=Import"

Note I've use italics instead of using our entity names and workflow names.

We didn't have this issue before so I'm not sure what has changed. The parent workflow profile stated in the validation message isn't actually the parent workflow profile so I'm totally confused. There is another post on this but I didn't understand the resolution. Could somebody please tell me what I would need to do to fix this? Thanks!

  • I've already found the answer. The default workflow import profile had been set as Profile Active = False in the Budget scenario.

  • Jones's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hey, I add to this thread. I got exact same message. However the Import profile was set to active. However the workflow channel was limited. I guess due to formula accounts trying to clear "import" data. Got solved by adding an temporary import step with relevant workflow channel, in my case "AllChanelInput", not sure if that is default or created in only application.

  • Russ's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I've already found the answer. The default workflow import profile had been set as Profile Active = False in the Budget scenario.

  • Upkar's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Hi Jones, I faced a similar issue, my workflow profile Channel was set as AllChanelInput but later changed to Standard, now when I use Clear Data through DM job I am getting this error but only for handful of entities which is driving me nuts. After changing those workflow Profiles to AllchanelInput I am not getting that error. at the end I still need my workflow Profiles to be Standard though. 
    Is this an know issue in OS?