DataManagementEventHandler CalculationType
Has anyone used the DataManagementEventHandler business rule before and identified the CalculationType of the DM (i.e. Force Calculate, Consolidate...)? And also the Data Unit and the POV of the DM?
Colud anyone share an example?
Thanks in advance,
As you know, there are different types of DataManagement Steps (e.g.: Calculate, Custom Calculate, Execute Business Rule, etc.). Each of them works slightly different from a DataManagementEventHandler point of view.
From your question I assume you are interested in the Calculate type of DM step so I'm posting a quick example where it shows how to identify the CalculationType and DataUnit(s) Note: POV does not apply for this Calc Type.Select Case args.OperationName() Case Is = BREventOperationType.DataManagement.ExecuteStep If args.isBeforeEvent Then 'Check that is Before Event If args.inputs(0).GetType Is GetType(DataMgmtStepMetadataInfo) Then 'Check args 0 is of type DataMgmtStepMetadataInfo Dim dmStepMetadataInfo As DataMgmtStepMetadataInfo = DirectCast(args.inputs(0), DataMgmtStepMetadataInfo) Dim dmCalcDef As DataMgmtCalculateDefinition = dmStepMetadataInfo.CalculateDefinition If dmCalcDef IsNot Nothing Then 'Check that is a Calculate Type step If dmCalcDef.CalculationType = CalculationType.ForceCalculate Then 'Check that is a Force Calculate calculation type step 'Note: You can use IntelliSense to see the full list of CalculationTypes. ' Get DataUnit(s) info: Dim cbInfo As CubeInfo = dmStepMetadataInfo.CubeInfo Dim CubeName As String = cbInfo.Cube.Name Dim entList As List(Of MemberInfo) = dmStepMetadataInfo.EntityInfos Dim parentList As List(Of MemberInfo) = dmStepMetadataInfo.ParentInfos Dim consList As List(Of MemberInfo) = dmStepMetadataInfo.ConsInfos Dim scenarioList As List(Of MemberInfo) = dmStepMetadataInfo.ScenarioInfos Dim timeList As List(Of MemberInfo) = dmStepMetadataInfo.TimeInfos 'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"Force Calculate Check") End If End If End If End If End Select
Hope this helps.Also do please note that this API is not officially documented by OS so there is a chance it could suffer changes in future releases without prior notice.