Forum Discussion

Gidon_Albert's avatar
Contributor II
8 months ago

DataTable vs. xfDataTable

In a data connector rule, we need to run the api.Parser.ProcessDataTable funciton that can process a DataTable.

However, using SIC funciton, we have to get data from the source into a XFDataTable:

Dim xfDT As xfDataTable = Nothing
xfDT = New xfDataTable(si,objJobStatus.RemoteJobResult.ResultSet,Nothing,1000)

The XFDataTable is created and we can see that it has rows in it.

We convert the XFDataTable to a DataTable using:

Dim dt As datatable = xfdt.ConvertToDataTable(si)

 When we run the new DataTable thorugh the ProcessDataTable, we get an error: "Data load Ado.Net DataTable is invalid or null."

When we try to count the rows on the DataTable, we get an error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Is there any information out there about the differences between a DataTable and a xfDataTable? Is there another way to convert a xfDataTable to a DataTable that will no result in errors?


  • FredLucas's avatar
    Contributor III

    Not sure if this helps but I've done the following test on a extensibility rule and can tell you that it gives me the expected results:

    Dim originalDT As Datatable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnit(si, "PeoplePln", "E#UK", "Local", scenarioTypeId.Budget, "S#BudgetDefault", "T#2021M5", "YTD", True, "UD1 = 'IT' And Account = 'Bonus1'", 1, False)
    brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,$"original DT - {PrintDataTable(si,originalDT)}")
    Dim xfDT As xfDataTable = Nothing
    xfDT = New xfDataTable(si,originalDT,Nothing,1000)
    Dim resultDT As DataTable = xfdt.ConvertToDataTable(si)
    brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,$"result DT - {PrintDataTable(si,resultDT)}")

    The ConvertToDataTable worked ok in my case so this could either be:

    - a version related issue (I'm on v8.2.0)

    - an issue with your objJobStatus.RemoteJobResult.ResultSet object

    - some type of special name / character that is causing an incompatibility with the ConvertToDataTable - I'd try testing it with a simplified version of this table first

  • FredLucas's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Gidon_Albert,

    Have you tried creating the dt as a New Datatable like this?

    Dim dt As New DataTable()
    dt = xfdt.ConvertToDataTable(si)


  • MarcusH's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Gidon_Albert 

    Have you tried this:

    Dim strTableNameAudit as String = "MyTable"
    Dim dt As New DataTable(strTableNameAudit)
    dt = xfdt.ConvertToDataTable(si)