Entry with the same key already exists
I am receiving the error "Entry with the same key already exists" when trying to load a xml through a workflow. I have checked all of the dimensions, transformation rules, data sources, etc. and am not finding any duplication. Looking online I see recommendations on other platforms where the issue relates to a ListDictionary and Add within the code where it tries to add something that may already exist? I am curious if anyone has ran across this issue and how you resolved it.
Summary: An entry with the same key already exists.
Description: An entry with the same key already exists.
Error Time: 3/3/2023 10:03:03 PM
Error Level:
Error Tier: AppServer
App Server XF Version:
App Server OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
Total Memory: 68,719,005,696 (64.00 GB) Memory In Use: 1,979,629,568 (1.84 GB) Private Memory In Use: 2,175,569,920 (2.03 GB) Peak Memory In Use: 2,666,090,496 (2.48 GB) Maximum Data Records In RAM: 12,884,813
Maximum Data Units In RAM: 100,000
Number Of Threads: 81
Exception Type: XFException Thread Id: 58 Source code: Transformer.vb, line 1588, method ParseAndTransform
Exception Type: XFException Thread Id: 58 Source code: Transformer.vb, line 852, method InitializeTransformer
Exception Type: XFException Thread Id: 58 Source code: Transformer.vb, line 1105, method InitializeDataCache
Exception Type: XFException Thread Id: 58 Source code: Transformer.vb, line 1031, method InitializeDimensionListCache Stack Trace: at OneStream.Stage.Engine.Transformer.InitializeDimensionListCache(SessionInfo si, String cubeName, Int32 scenarioTypeID, TransformDataCache dataCache) in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\Transformer.vb:line 1031 at OneStream.Stage.Engine.Transformer.InitializeDataCache(SessionInfo si, WorkflowUnitClusterPk wfClusterPk, Int32 DataPageSize, Int32 PagesInMemoryLimit) in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\Transformer.vb:line 1105 at OneStream.Stage.Engine.Transformer.InitializeTransformer(SessionInfo si, WorkflowUnitPk wfUnitPk, String sourceFilePath, Boolean retransformingOnly, TaskActivityStepWrapperItem parentTaskActivityStep) in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\Transformer.vb:line 852 at OneStream.Stage.Engine.Transformer.ParseAndTransform(SessionInfo si, WorkflowUnitPk wfUnitPk, String sourceFilePath, TransformLoadMethodTypes loadMethod, Boolean deleteFilesFromOSAfterArchiving, Guid taskActivityID) in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\Transformer.vb:line 1588 at OneStream.Stage.Engine.ParseAndTransformThread.WorkerThreadMethod() in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\ParseAndTransformThread.vb:line 85
Exception Type: Unknown Message: An entry with the same key already exists. Stack Trace: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet`1.AddIfNotPresent(T item) at System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value) at OneStream.Stage.Engine.Transformer.InitializeDimensionListCache(SessionInfo si, String cubeName, Int32 scenarioTypeID, TransformDataCache dataCache) in C:\agent\_work\298\s\Source\Stage\StageEngine\Transformer\TransformerEngine\Transformer.vb:line 1031
I'm not sure if this will help considering this thread is about three months old, but I came across it as I was trying to solve this error as well. Specifically, I was encountering this error when trying to load an Excel file as a form import template. I was able to resolve it by making sure all of my named ranges in the Excel file were still valid and referred to cell ranges.