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FrankDK's avatar
10 months ago

Export to Azure Blob (via SIC)

Greetings OS Integrators, Going with v8 and SIC for integrations, it is not an option to have 3. party assemblies added to the cloud environment. I am building a integration to push data from OS to...
  • franciscoamores's avatar
    10 months ago


    have you considered using SFTP enabled access to the Azure BS? If you access to the BS via the public internet, you don't need SIC with this approach. The client must enable SFTP access for the blob storage and you can upload files using the WinSCP .net methods as you would do with any SFTP Server. if you require private network access, you need SIC but you don't need to use SIC BR as you can connect using the OneStream bound port from an Extender BR or Assembly BR (it's documented in SIC guide).

    Inb my experience, if SFTP access for the Blob Storage is an option for your client, it simplifies a lot the integration architecture.

  • Krishna's avatar
    10 months ago

    franciscoamores  - Appreciated. I get it about SIC for Database and it is working without any issues and same as API call because it does not require any DLL. I am having issues with the Azure BLOB as SFTP. Below is my code and I am getting an error. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any Help would be appreciated.


    SIC Rule
    Public Shared Function RunOperation() As Byte()
    	Dim sftpHost As String = "localhost" ' Replace with your SFTP server address
        Dim sftpPort As Integer = "20541"
        Dim sftpUsername As String = "user" ' Replace with your SFTP username
        Dim sftpPassword As String = "pass" ' Replace with your SFTP password
        Dim remoteFilePath As String = "path"	
    		Dim fileBuffer As Byte()
            Dim tempFilePath As String = Path.GetTempFileName()
            ' Setup session options
            Dim sessionOptions As New SessionOptions
    		With sessionOptions
                .Protocol = Protocol.Sftp
                .HostName = sftpHost
                .PortNumber = sftpPort
                .UserName = sftpUsername
                .Password = sftpPassword
            End With
            Using session As New Session()
                ' Connect to the SFTP server
                ' Setup transfer options
                Dim transferOptions As New TransferOptions With {
                    .TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary
                ' Download the file to a temporary file
                session.GetFiles(remoteFilePath, tempFilePath, False, Nothing)
                ' Read the temporary file into a memory buffer
                fileBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFilePath)
                ' Delete the temporary file
                ' Disconnect from the SFTP server
            End Using
    Return fileBuffer
        End Function

    Extender Rule


    Dim objGatewayDetails As GatewayDetails = BRApi.Utilities.GetGatewayConnectionInfo(si,"azureblob")
    				' Setup the objects to read Gateway Details from BRAPIs
    Dim objRemoteRequestResultDto As RemoteRequestResultDto =BRApi.Utilities.ExecRemoteGatewayBusinessRule(si, "AzureBlobSFTP", Nothing, objGatewayDetails.GatewayName,"RunOperation","AzureBlobSFTP", True, 600)
    If (objRemoteRequestResultDto.RemoteResultStatus = RemoteMessageResultType.Success) Then
        Dim bytesFromFile As Byte()
    	bytesFromFile = objRemoteRequestResultDto.ObjectResultValue
     	Dim groupFolderPath As String = BRAPi.Utilities.GetFileShareFolder(si,FileShareFolderTypes.BatchHarvest, api)
    	Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(groupFolderPath &"\Azurefile.csv")
    	End Using
      brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "No data received.")
    End If 			


    Summary: Smart Integration Connector Gateway general error at: 'azureblob CompileCacheAndRunRemoteFunction ID: 893621a2-f32a-49a9-872a-2d2b7fe227cb'. SendRelayRequest.