Forum Discussion

agoralewski's avatar
Community Manager
2 years ago

Fact or Fiction? CubeViews are dumb datagrids and can only be displayed in the OneStream client.

The Formula for Calculation Drill Down will impact consolidation CubeViews are dumb datagrids and can only be displayed in the OneStream client.

Question Credit: Jack Lacava

Is this statement fact or fiction?

Comment your best guess below! Answers will be revealed in two weeks.

* This question is applicable to Platform 7.3.0 and may not be relevant to future releases

  • agoralewski's avatar
    Community Manager


    Cube Views can be used to generate PDF reports, download data to Excel, provide data to Dashboard widgets through DataAdapters, or extract data with Dashboard DataSets and other types of Business Rules. They can be finely tuned to perform calculations, provide dataentry capabilities, and dynamically shape data according to interactive parameters. Cube Views are an essential pillar of the OneStream platform!