Forum Discussion

MK's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Get Prior period value using derivative rules


I am trying to load data from file where amount should be calculated as prior period minus current period and loaded. I tried using derivative rule to setup current period equal to prior period and multiply by -1 as below

but it is being assigned to prior month, it is taking the current month value as below and calculated as zero.

Please help me how I can assigned prior month value to current month.



Manju Komara

  • MarcusH's avatar
    Contributor III

    I think you will need to use a BR to get the prior period's amount. Change the Logical Operator setting to Business Rule and that should allow you to get the previous value. You will need to make sure that there is only one source record for the target value.

    • MK's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thank you for the update.

      Can you please provide the example how I can get prior month value using business rule?


      Manju Komara