Forum Discussion

DavidT's avatar
New Contributor III
7 months ago

Load Overlapping Siblings


When we load two siblings where the Load Overlapping Siblings is set to True. How does the system know what Accounts to clear from Day 1 loads to Day 2 loads.

For example,

Day 1: Sibling 1 Loads Act A for $10... Sibling 2 Loads Act A & B for $10

Dav 2: Sibling 1 .. No Change.... Sibling 2 Loads Act A only (Replace) for $10

... How does it know to clear Act B

Nothing has been setup regarding Channels for Accounts?



  • The following logic will be applies if Load Overlapping Siblings is set to True:

    • Are there overlapped Data Units found between Siblings?
    • No – Use basic Clear and Replace data loading steps
    • Yes – Clear ALL previously loaded Data Units for both Import Child Siblings and reload both Import Child Siblings using an Accumulate Load Method.  If the 2 siblings are loading to the same cells, the values will be added together and placed in the cell



  • It will clear Act B because you have "Replaced" the sibling 2 import which previously loaded an amount for Act B. (i'm assuming you're loading the Day 2 loads through the same import WF as Day 1)


  • The following logic will be applies if Load Overlapping Siblings is set to True:

    • Are there overlapped Data Units found between Siblings?
    • No – Use basic Clear and Replace data loading steps
    • Yes – Clear ALL previously loaded Data Units for both Import Child Siblings and reload both Import Child Siblings using an Accumulate Load Method.  If the 2 siblings are loading to the same cells, the values will be added together and placed in the cell



  • KarlT's avatar
    Contributor III

    It will clear Act B because you have "Replaced" the sibling 2 import which previously loaded an amount for Act B. (i'm assuming you're loading the Day 2 loads through the same import WF as Day 1)


  • DavidT's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thanks for the replies. Do either of you know what tables its using to figure out what to clear? I see that it loads from StageSummary, and does the Agg for both but only if the other siblings have actually processed all the way to the cube... if you say clear 1 Import and only load to Stage and not run the Validate or Load to Cube.. then this data doesn't get picked up and it doesn't run a Batch Load.... so it got me and some of colleagues wondering where it picks up the Clear Side of the House from... it must know what it previously loaded b/c that's the only data it clears.