Forum Discussion

dhawalmotghare's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Loading Workflow using Excel Template

I'm trying to load a workflow using an Excel template and need to set the *WorkflowName* as one of the following: Import, Validate, Load, Process, Workspace, Confirm.

Currently, I'm using the highlighted value in the *Workflow* column for this purpose.

Similarly, if I need to set the *WorkflowName* to Workspace, Direct, Process, Confirm, Certify using the template, what value should I use? Is there a reference list for this, or where can I find it?




  • I am afraid I do not. Its embedded in the source code of the platform, what all those valid options are. So it would be a one time exercise to identify those with the method I mentioned above and then use them. 

    I think the main reason they are not exposed is that these workflow names keep expanding in number as new ones are added, so to go out and have a hardcoded list of sorts might only be valid for the version it was created for.

    If you are building a large hierarchy, it might be worth spending the time to identify them all manually and then do it. The alternative is to load them all in as one and then manually go in and change them in the Workflow Structure after.

  • The easiest way to find out what the correct WorkflowName should be, is to manually set one up inside the Workflow Profiles in OneStream, then extract that to capture the name.

    I tested your specific one for Workspace, Direct, Process, Confirm, Certify, and it outputs this:

    <attribute attributeName="Workflow" attributeValue="WspDirectProcConfCert" />

    I hope that helps?

    Regards, Joakim

  • Hi JoakimK,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    I tried using the method you recommended, and it works well. However, what I’m aiming for is a way to retrieve a complete list of all possible values that can be used for the property value in the Excel template.

    I also checked the WF tables to see if any relevant information could be extracted but couldn’t find anything useful there.

    As of now, the only approach I could identify is to add the WF name, extract the data, and then pick the values to use in the Excel template.

    If you have any other ideas or suggestions, I’d greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks again for your support!


  • That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for your support! I might create the list and share it online to help others who are working on the same thing.