Forum Discussion

cap08's avatar
New Contributor III
10 months ago

Lock all workflows and descendants using a business rule

I'm creating a business rule to automatically lock all workflows and descendants using:  

BRApi.Workflow.Locking.LockWorkflowUnitDescendants(si, wfClusterPk, profileTypeFilter, workflowChannelKey)

but I'm getting the error: 'the item was not found'. I found an example online but it's not working for me. I didn't know what to populate wfClusterPk with so I defined it as (). I'm fairly new to and appreciate any help with this - thanks! 

  Dim wfClusterPk As New WorkflowUnitClusterPk()
  Dim wfChannelKey As Guid = Guid.Empty
  BRapi.Workflow.Locking.LockWorkflowUnitDescendants(si, wfClusterPk,     WorkflowProfileTypes.AllProfiles, wfChannelKey)
  • cap08  - Here is an example basically it is getting the current WF Profile and locking it using extender rule.

    					Dim wfInfo As WorkflowInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Status.GetWorkflowStatus(si,si.WorkflowClusterPk)
    	Dim A As String = wfInfo.Name
    	If wfInfo.Locked  Then
    		Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"Not Locked")
    		Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si," Locked")
    End If


  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    cap08  - Here is an example basically it is getting the current WF Profile and locking it using extender rule.

    					Dim wfInfo As WorkflowInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Status.GetWorkflowStatus(si,si.WorkflowClusterPk)
    	Dim A As String = wfInfo.Name
    	If wfInfo.Locked  Then
    		Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"Not Locked")
    		Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si," Locked")
    End If


    • cap08's avatar
      New Contributor III

      I'll give this a try, thank you!



    • cap08's avatar
      New Contributor III

      HI Krishna, this works great for one workflow but doesn't lock all of the workflows. Is there a way to loop through all of the workflows?

      • Krishna's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        cap08 - Here you go!

        'Get the Workflow and Loop through with Text 1 Value
        				Dim gTime As String = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetGlobalTime(si)
        				Dim scenario As String = "Actual"
        				Dim wfClusterPk2 As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, "Total Corporate", scenario, gTime)
        				Dim objList As List(Of WorkFlowProfileInfo) = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetRelatives(si, wfClusterPk2, WorkflowProfileRelativeTypes.Descendants, WorkflowProfileTypes.InputImportChild)
        				'Workflow Information
        				Dim wfList As New Dictionary(Of String, WorkFlowProfileInfo)
        				Dim wfList1 As New Dictionary(Of String, WorkFlowProfileInfo)
        				For Each w As WorkflowProfileInfo In objList