Forum Discussion

Keyser_Soze's avatar
2 years ago

Navigate from a workflow ChildStep to another

Hello, I have a workflow step of type 'Workspace, Certify'. Through a workspace button, I am able to complete/revert the step. I am wondering If I can navigate to the 'Certify' window auto...
  • JackLacava's avatar
    2 years ago
    BRApi.Workflow.Status.SetWorkflowStatus(si, wfClusterPK, StepClassificationTypes.Certify, WorkflowStatusTypes.InProcess, "Certify Started", "", "User clicked complete workflow", Guid.Empty)
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ChangeSelectionChangedNavigationInDashboard = True
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationType = XFSelectionChangedNavigationType.OpenPage
    Dim navPath As String = "XFPage=Workflow"
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationArgs = navPath