Hi Community,
I am using a range transformation rule to give all balance sheet accounts a Flow of CB_Load. In the data source Flow is pointing the account number. I then use account ranges in the F...
Thanks for your response. I was thinking along the same lines so changed the mapping so that upper and lower limits are the same length. However, it's still not working as expected.
Account 8010000 (8 characters) does not fall within the ranges below but Flow is being mapped as CB_Load. My guess is that Rule Name BSRange6 below is driving this. Although the range upper and lower limits are 7 characters the first 3 characters in the above account (801) fall within 800-999 (first 3 characters of upper and lower limits of BSRange6). This behaviour is how you would expect numbers stored as text work.
Any other suggestions? I've tried leading zeros but this doesn't work either.
8010000 is 7 characters so Range6 is working correctly. If that is just a typo and it is actually 8 chars it would help if you can identify definitely which map is being used. Select the row in the Import stage and right click then select 'View Transformation Rules' it will tell which map is being used. You can always use the Order column to change the processing order.