As for transaction data, did you map the BAI fields (FH,GH,AH,TH,AT,GT,FT fields) to attribute fields on your BAI data source? I did get transaction data for 95% of my initial test file. There was a small percentage not loading transaction level BAI data, but my source system for BAI files is still working their file formatting, so I chalked it up to that for now. When my source system starts sending me finalized BAI files I was going to recheck. But since you seem to be having that same issue it might be an OS issue.
As for amounts and the decimal place, yes the decimal was missing for me as well. So that might be an OS issue. This is a first for me dealing with bank BAI files, so I was not sure if that was a normal BAI format. Like amount lines all coming in positive with DR/CR indicator.
Because I can't get finalized BAI files from my source system I have stopped my BAI Parser effort at this time, but I'd still like to hear how your effort goes. And happy to provide help if I can.