2 years agoContributor
Requiring a document to be attached to a workflow step
We have several workflows that for audit backup we have the users attach documents. With employee turnover the next person didn't know they had to attach the document. Is there something like an Af...
- 2 years ago
Hi, a Confirmation Rule check is very easy to use for enforcement of business processes. Here is a code snippet we use in our courses, of how you could check for an attachment if an account has a non-zero amount, thereby requiring a supporting details attachment:
'Check an Account value and if it is greater than zero, request a file be attached args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.DisplayValue = api.Data.GetDataCell("V#YTD:A#60999:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#Services:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None").cellAmount If args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.DisplayValue = 0 Then Return True Else 'We failed the value test, check for a file If api.Data.HasDataAttachmentsWithFile("V#Annotation:A#60999:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#Services:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None") Then 'We have a file attached, so pass the rule args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Info1 = "File attachment found" Return True Else 'File not found, we fail args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Info1 = "File Attachment Missing. Navigate back to the Product Sales Form and add an attachment as an Annotation to the Services data cell." Return False End If End If
You would attach that as the Rule Formula to a Confirmation Rule that might look like this: - 2 years ago