9 months agoNew Contributor
REST API request time out
Hi there,
We are trying to test data provider endpoints using Postman but they always fail with Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
I have read the documentation, manage to call Authentication API with Personal Access Token but no luck with other endpoints.
OneStream support has enabled calls in IIS and has no clue what's wrong.
For example:
POST "https://{OurBaseWebServer}:50001/onestreamapi/api/DataProvider/ GetAdoDataSetForSqlCommand?api-version=5.2.0"
Request Body:
"ApplicationName": "OneStream Test",
"SqlQuery ": "SELECT * FROM Dim",
"DbLocation": "Application",
"ResultDataTableName": "ResultDataTableName",
"XFExternalConnectionName": "",
"CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": ""
Any idea?
can you repost the URL without the port number?