Forum Discussion

Sergey's avatar
Contributor III
7 months ago

Restatements and Workflow implication

Dear community,

It's an open question, hopefully you can forward this topic to other consultant and active people working on OneStream.

The question is : how do you think is the best way to work on restatements ?

Use Case : the customer load and input data, then validate them all and lock them, finally they report data for 2022. In 2023, they need to modify some of their input because they have more accurate data, which they will ultimately report on as 2022 (restated) in their 2023 reportings.

Waiting for your anticipated feedback and thoughts on Workflow definition for this use case, eventually consideration for dimensions build.


  • T_Kress's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    If you have a UD dimension that has been used to represent "Data Type" or "Data Source" (aka U7) then you can create a bucket or layer in that UD called "Restatement".  Then if you tie that U7 to a WF channel it can be kept locked or unlocked separately from all your other Imports and Forms and such, which you would have already locked. 

    There is a OC post on using U7 as a Data Type dimension with WF channels.  I will find that link and post it here: Using Workflow Channels & Data Type Dimension - October 2023 - OneStream Community (

    But I think having a U7 Data Type dimension where you have a slice that represents "Restatement Adj" or "Restatement" then you can report on that including or excluding restatements.

  • Sergey's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Teresa, thank you for your feedback !

    That's what I thought, but then I'm confused since the users want to do a restatement for 2022 while being in 2023. Should the restatement occur when we are in the workflow for 2022 (which is obviously closed and locked) or the worklfow for 2023 ?

    Since the restatement is for the same accounts and the workflow channel is in UD7, I guess I should have 2 workflow profile : 1 for "input" and another 1 for "adjustment" for the same accounts, but "adjustment" will be for previous year while "input" will be for the current year, am I correct ?

    • T_Kress's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      If you have an import or forms WF that pertains specifically and only to "Restatements" I would envision this would stay unlocked, or could be unlocked in 2022 so they could make 2022 adjustments.  But again, this would be controlled by a data type dimension, tied to a WF channel and then tied to WF profiles that could remain unlocked in 2022 while everything else is locked.