Reusing Bi Blend attributes
- 3 months ago
When naming/renaming register columns in the relational blend modules, all you are doing is changing a "display name". The underlying columns in the SQL register table remain the same. Same deal when enabling/disabling a column - all you are doing is cosmetically enabling/disabling whether the column is to be displayed, but the underlying column is always present in the SQL register table.
Code that reads or updates the register will be referencing the underlying SQL register table column names. So, renaming or enabling/disabling columns should normally have no effect on the underlying SQL table.
Depending on how your relational blend solution was built out, there is a chance there is some code that was written to reference fields by their display name rather than their underlying column name. So, it's probably a question you should pose to whoever implemented your relational blend module, along with asking them what the potential implications could be with repurposing a register column.