Transformation Event Handler reviewing pre-transformed (stage) and post-transformation data?
My colleagues and I are interested in reviewing pre-transformed data side-by-side with the records from post-transformation data, as we're looking to move our transformation process further upstream and we wanted to validate the accuracy of our new transformation process against OneStream's transformations. I've reviewed the examples in GolfStream in the transformation event handler and I understand how to review the stage data, but I'm unsure how to find the matching transactions after they get transformed.
Has anyone done anything similar before and would be able to share insights into how I can review the data at the validate and match them to the records in stage?
Hey Alex, you can use a query to retrieve that information. The OS has a view called StageSourceAndTargetData that stores that info.
Here's a sample query from our past project.
Select w.profilename ,Si SourceId ,Et Entity_Source ,EtT Entity_Target ,CnT Consol ,VwT ViewDim ,SnT Scenario ,TmT Time ,Ac Account_Source ,AcT Account_Target ,Fw Flow_Source ,FwT Flow_Target ,OgT Origin ,Ic IC_Source ,IcT IC_Target ,U1 U1_Source ,U1T U1_Target ,U2 U2_Source ,U2T U2_Target ,U3 U3_Source ,U3T U3_Target ,U4 U4_Source ,U4T U4_Target ,U5 U5_Source ,U5T U5_Target ,U6 U6_Source ,U6T U6_Target ,U7 U7_Source ,U7T U7_Target ,ConvertedAmount Amount from vStageSourceAndTargetData v join workflowprofilehierarchy w on v.wfk = w.profilekey where 1=1 and lb= 'Forecast' and u4t = '1343' and RawAmount <> 0
PS: You can run the query from a data adapter component and associate that in a grid view.