Knowledge Base Article

Idea Submission Guidelines

Check if the feature exists

Search our documentation, knowledge articles, and discussion forums to find if the functionality already exists.

Check for a similar idea submission

Before posting your idea, search IdeaStream. If a similar idea exists, add your vote to show your support. Adding a comment describing how it will help your company and/or the impact it has on users without it will help tell a story of it its importance. If you find duplicate ideas, please let us know by adding a comment and tagging “@TBD” and include the link to the duplicate idea.

One request per idea submission

It becomes hard to keep track and update an idea when it contains more than one request. Please submit an idea for each request separately.

Use simple language; preferably English

OneStream’s customer and partner base is globally diverse, and we are all sharing a single community. For many users, English is a second language, and they may rely on browser translation services to better understand the text. By writing clearly and concisely, it will help improve machine translation. We also recommend submitting your idea in English to reach a broader audience and receive more support. As our community grows, we’ll evaluate a better experience for a multi-language community.

Be descriptive of the problem you need solving, and use visuals and images

An idea submission consists of three parts: Title, Description, Label Title When community members read IdeaStream, it is the idea title that will capture their attention and interest, and increase the chance it will receive votes. Your title should be concise but descriptive enough for other users to understand the general picture. Example: “Extract PDF reports via an API” Description We naturally gravitate to immediately describe the functionality of a solution we are seeking. But to build empathy and spark a discussion with the community, it is important to describe the situation you are in and the motivation behind the request. When others, including OneStream product managers, understand what you are trying to accomplish, they can provide ways they solved a similar problem or build upon your idea with alternate scenarios. When describing your idea, consider the following elements:

  • Situation: Describe where in the product your idea fits and when your pain point occurs. This could include Steps to Reproduce, screenshots, even videos.
  • Purpose and expected outcome: Describe the intended goal and objective of your idea. Rather than describing the solution, focus on what you are trying to accomplish and why it is needed for your organization.
  • Proposed solution: Describe your proposed solution, if any. This could include simple drawings or images.
  • Workaround method: Describe how you are accomplishing this today, or effort it takes without this feature.
    Here is a fictional example: "I want to extract a PDF report via an API instead of manually generating it in the Report Viewer via the “Show Report” action. We have to submit many PDF reports to external parties and agencies at specific times and frequencies. An API will enable me to automate this process with the flexibility I need. Without this capability, our accountants from 37 different locations have to manually generate, save, and email these reports every month. And when one forgets to do it on time, it slows down the external party’s work."
  • Label: A label is required when submitting an idea as it associates an idea with a Onestream solution. This helps community members and our product managers find ideas within the solution of their interest or responsibility. If you’re not confident about which label to choose, make your best guess

Do not include private or sensitive information

IdeaStream submissions are visible to all community members, which includes OneStream employees, customers, and partners. Avoid posting sensitive information and consider blocking out sensitive data within screenshots.

Published 6 months ago
Version 1.0
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