Knowledge Base Article

Confirmation Rules

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 160.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" 

See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules"

See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST"

Confirmation Rules

The ability to create Confirmation Rules that are tailored to address customer specific controls is a powerful extension of the OneStream Platform. Tax Provision Blueprint has a few pre-built confirmation rules that you can use, modify, add on to, or remove if not necessary.

There are nine confirmation rule groups that are then grouped into six confirmation rule profiles. All the confirmation rules are set up as “Warning (Pass)” and will not prevent the user from completing their workflow. This can be changed based on your application.  TXP_FCST_Local_TaxRates

Used for Forecast scenarios. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same Local CY Apport Rates for all UD7 entities. This applies to any Filer Entity with the Tax Rates Used designation of “Filer Rates”. One rule is used for each of the 12 months.


Used for Forecast scenario. Checks to see that there are monthly Current Tax Expense values - not derived data. One rule is used for each of the 12 months.


Used for Forecast scenarios. Checks to see that there are periodic values on the quarter end months for pretax income - specifically there should be no derived periodic data, blank data, or zeros. One rule is used for each of the 4 quarters.


Used for Forecast scenarios. Validate that there are the Group Filing Definitions and compare them to the GF definitions from the Actual scenario for period M12. One rule is used for period 12.


Used for the Actual scenario. Check that there is a value for the Interim Reporting ETR rate. Also checks to see if the Interim Reporting ETR rate is derived or manually entered.


Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that the U4#National Data is the same for the U4#Local JD. Ensures that the DM20a copy dashboard rule has been executed since the last import of data.


Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that the U4#National Data is the same for the U4#Local JD and U7# (Entity) base member. Ensures that the DM30a copy dashboard rule has been executed since the last import of data.


Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same Local CY Apport Rates / CY Stat Rates / Closing Deferred Apport Rates / Closing Deferred Stat Rates for all UD7 entities. This applies to any Filer Entity with the Tax Rates Used designation of “Filer Rates”.


Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same National CY Stat Rates and Closing Deferred Stat Rates for all UD7 entities.

The actual business rule syntax is not on each confirmation rule, but rather references a Finance Business rule called “TXP_SharedConfirmationRules” and “TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST”. This allows for easier access to all the confirmation rules in one place, allows us to share common rules and provides additional functionality. TXP_SharedConfirmationRules:TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST:

The two main differences in the FCST rules are:

  • We have one rule per month, as opposed to the Actual rules that has one rule that applies to all time periods
  • We also need to indicate what month the rule needs to apply in (i.e.: 6).


Updated 2 years ago
Version 5.0
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