Knowledge Base Article


The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 168.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"

See KB article: "Data Integration"

See KB article: "Dashboard DM – Copy Forecast Periods"


Dashboards are used extensively to render the schedules/forms as well as the Home Page reporting options.


Most of the dashboards are constructed in the same manner. A top dashboard (0_Frame…), a toolbar dashboard (1_Toolbar…), a content which is the cube view (2_Content…) and some may have an information line (3_Info…). So, there are usually two/three main components to each schedule.

Let’s look at schedule 05 – Current Provision. Here is what the final output looks like:

In the Dashboard Maintenance Units, here are the dashboards that make up schedule 05.

The top dashboard (0_Frame…) holds the other embedded dashboards.

The toolbar dashboard will hold the objects such as the POV combo boxes, labels and the help file specific to that dashboard.

The content dashboard will hold the cube view.

The info dashboard will hold a label that indicates to the user if Linked CV’s are available on the main CV. This label is either fixed or contains a parameter that executes a dynamic BR to evaluate the National/Local JD and determines if the information message should be displayed or not.

With the introduction of the “Refresh Data” button, a generic dashboard was created to hold a label. This generic dashboard is used on all dashboards that require the refresh data button.

Here is what the label says:

Here is what it looks like in a schedule:

The 0_Frame… dashboard is then attached to the Form template as follows:

Schedule Help Files

Each schedule has a PPT help file attached to it. You can access the help file by clicking on the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard (the last object in the toolbar). The purpose of these help files is to provide some information on the specific schedule and possible guidance on how to complete the schedule. These help files are completely customizable for each implementation.

Here is an example using Schedule 05. Click on the question mark:

A PowerPoint (PPT) file then opens:

The PPT files that are attached to each Schedule / Form dashboard can be found in the Files section in the Dashboard Maintenance Unit. They can be downloaded, updated for client specific information, and then uploaded back into the Files section. Here is a sample screenshot of some of the PPT files.  


 Used the “Upload File” and “Download File” icons. 


The Instruction banners that we had in a previous release of Tax Provision Blueprint have been removed and the information has been added to the individual schedule help files (available by clicking on the question mark – upper right-hand corner of the schedule). By removing this banner, we are saving screen real-estate for other information and makes the schedule less busy.

We have just removed the embedded reference to the 3_Info… dashboard. It can be easily put back in an implementation if needed or wanted. All objects remain in the DMU. All new dashboards in this release of Tax Provision Blueprint will not have the instruction banner objects.

Here are some screen shots before the Instruction banner removal.



Updated 2 years ago
Version 6.0
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