Knowledge Base Article

Dimension - Scenarios

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 61.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100

See KB article: "Dimension Member Names - Renaming and Deleting"

See KB article: "Dimension Text Fields - Summary"


XFW_TXP_Scenario is the Tax Provision Blueprint Scenario Dimension that includes TXP_Actual for the Tax Actuals (Tax Provision Blueprint Calculation) and TXP_ActualRTP for the Tax Return to Provision reconciliation. The two Actual Scenario members should not be modified because they are core to the application and are tied to the TXP_BusinessRules that have been provided. The Tax Scenarios must retain the attributes as shown in the screen capture below.

The yellow shaded scenarios above (5 of them) are used in Tax Provision Blueprint for illustration purposes. All other scenarios have been created just for informational purposes and may be used for future development.

Note: The Scenario Text 1 was never used in the latest release. It was meant to identify the type of scenario. However, in BR's we use the Scenario Type.

Forecast Scenario Setup Notes:

  • Several current year forecast scenarios have been created. TXP_FCST_M5, TXP_FCST_Q2, TXP_FCST_Q3 have been set up with all required attributes and may be used as examples for creating a new or modifying an existing TXP forecast scenario.
  • When adding / creating a new forecast scenario follow the naming convention: TXP_FCST_xxx.
  • Recommend having at least one forecast scenario under the TXP_FCST_CurrentYear parent.
  • Many of the Scenario Properties for a forecast scenario differ from the TXP_Actual scenario.
  • Assign Number of No Input Periods Per Workflow Unit:
    • Data may be copied into these periods from a data management copy, but the user cannot modify the data.
    • This property is used in CV’s, BR’s DM’s, etc.
  • FX Rates: Assign the Rate Type For Revenues and Expenses and Rate Type For Assets and Liabilities.
  • Assign the Settings the same as the yellow highlighted Settings in the screen shot below.
  • Assign Text 1: Forecast_Current_Year
  • Assign Text 2: ActualCopyPeriods=n.
    • This number is used in the DM’s that copy data to the forecast scenario from a source scenario (typically TXP_Actual).

In the TXP_BusinessRules file, we reference forecast scenarios by their scenario type. So, the main BR file is setup for scenarios as either: (1) TXP_Actual and/or (2) TXP_ActualRTP and/or (3) ScenarioType8. Adding new Scenario Members to this Dimension will require modifications to the TXP_BusinessRules to allow the new Scenario member to be processed within the existing rules and/or to add new calculations. For example, adding new Forecast scenarios that use a different Scenario Type will require changes to the BR’s.

Note: Both Actual scenarios use the Tax Scenario Type in the Settings section. It is assumed that current year Forecast scenarios will use the Scenario Type “ScenarioType8”, and multi-year Forecast scenarios will use the Scenario Type “ScenarioType7”.

Tax Provision Blueprint has been designed to have only one Return to Provision (RTP) scenario (TXP_ActualRTP).

There is an impacted scenario rule on TXP_Actual. When you calculate period 12, it throws an impacted status into period M01 of the following year. This can be removed if it is not deemed necessary for a specific application.

For the TXP_ActualRTP scenario, we have also added an impacted rule, but it will need to be modified based on your application’s needs. This can be removed if it’s not deemed necessary for your specific application.

Several Forecast scenarios have been created for future use. We do not currently make use of these scenarios. The following attributes have been modified on these scenarios:

  • Scenario Type
  • Input Frequency (Vary by Year)


Updated 12 months ago
Version 8.0
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