Knowledge Base Article

How to Import the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 1)

We strongly suggest that you first install the MarketPlace Tax Provision Blueprint in a Test environment / Test App as a stand alone app. From there, you can export the objects that you need into a recent copy of your Production app that is in your Dev environment.

Why do we say this? The Tax Provision Blueprint installation includes test entities, related metadata, and workflows, all which will need to be removed. It is strongly recommended that this removal and the related addition of customer entities, metadata and workflows be performed in a development environment, and that the production migration be planned from this updated development environment.


Here are the high level steps required to import & setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app into your Dev environment. This "Step 1" KB article will walk you through:

  1. Installing the MarketPlace app into a Test environment / Test app. This app will be your reference app with test entities and test workflow profiles.
  2. Export only the required objects from your Test environment / Test app.
  3. Import the required objects into your Dev environment / Dev app.
  4. Configure the Tax Provision app in your Dev environment / Dev app. so that you have a working Tax  Provision application.

Note: Additional metadata updates and system configurations will still be required. Please see KB article "How to Setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 2)".


(1) Download and Install the MarketPlace app in a Test Environment/App

The app in this environment will be a complete install including test entities and test workflows. This will be your Tax Provision app to reference.

  • Download the MarketPlace Tax Provision Blueprint app
  • Create a test app
  • Create the required FX Rate Types or load in the FX Rate Type file
  • Load in the downloaded "xml" file
  • Load in the SaveDataEventHandler BR 

(2) Export the Tax Objects from the Test Environment/App

Only specific objects need to be exported then import into your Dev. app.

  • Export Metadata - All Business Rules, all Dimensions (except XFW_TXP_Entities, FIN_Entities_TXP), exclude Time Dimension Profiles & Cubes
  • Export Cube Views - All Business Rules, Groups & Profiles 
  • Export Form Templates - All Groups & Profiles
  • Export Data Management - All Groups
  • Export Confirmation Rules - All Groups and Profiles
  • Export Extensibility Rules - only the SaveDataEventHandler
  • Export the Dashboards - All Business Rules, Workspaces, Profiles
  • Export the new FX Rate Types - seven in total

(3) Import The Tax Objects into your Dev Environment/App

This Dev app. should be a recent copy of your Production app. The following steps must be done in this order:

  1. Create the Tax Cube (XFW_TXP)  -  (to be configured later on)
  2. Load/Create the necessary FX Rate Types
  3. Import the Metadata file
  4. Import the Cube View file
  5. Import the Form Templates file
  6. Import the Data Management file
  7. Import the Confirmation Rule file (need the cube to be created)
  8. Import the Dashboard file
  9. If you already have a "SaveDataEventHandler" BR, copy in the Tax BR section. If there is no "SaveDataEventHandler" BR, then you can load in the file. 

(4) Configure Tax Provision in the Dev Environment/App

The Tax Provision Blueprint app comes with a very comprehensive "Instruction Guide" that we strongly encourage you to read.

  • Create an Entity hierarchy for Tax or use an existing hierarchy (ie: Finance...).
  • Configure the Entities.
  • Add the "TXP_GLTaxAdmin" entity as a sibling of the Tax entity hierarchy. Make sure you update the proper properties.



  • XFW_TXP Cube - Update the Cube Properties, the Cube Dimensions, the Cube References and Integration settingsSee your Test environment / Test app for examples.
  • Update the Application Properties, if necessary.
  • Update the Global Setup Dashboard for the Entity dimension, the Tax Entity hierarchy and the security group access. Update the other settings if necessary.
  • Update UD7 (Group Filing) XFW_TXP_UD7: Remove Blueprint entities. Remove countries you are not using.  Add new countries and entities that are using Group Filing. Must be exactly as they appear in the Entity dimension. If you are not using Group Filing at all, remove all the Blueprint entities and countries. Remember to keep the minimum required members.
  • Set a "Cube POV" for the XFW_TXP tax cube. There should be no "?" for any dimension member.
  • Create "test" Workflow Profiles to validate the Schedules. See your Test environment / Test app for examples.


Updated 2 years ago
Version 8.0
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